ü The story revolves around the love and adventure of Vision andScarlet Witch. The main story time takes place after “Avengers 4:Endgame”, and then the Scarlet Witch will smoothly enter the world of”Doctor Strange 2″. Her “superpowers” “In essence, itis the same source as Doctor Strange.
ü Wanda created a fantasy world of its own based on TV dramas. In thisworld, she loves happiness with Vision. The female mage Agatha (the teacher ofWanda in the comics) guides her to be confined to a small town in order toprevent Wanda’s magic from affecting the entire world. However, theintervention of the Heavenly Sword Bureau broke the tranquility of Wanda, whichcaused a shock in the multiverse, and finally led to the plot line of”Doctor Strange 2″.
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Genre:Drama, comedy, action, sci-fi, fantasy
Run Time :Each episode length from 25 to 45 minutes
Episode: 9 total
Language : English
Media Format : Dolby, Color, Widescreen
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