(Region 3 DVD / Non USA & Canada Region *Please check your DVD player region compatibility*) Language: Hungarian / Subtitles: English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕/ Synopsis: Two introverted people find out by pure chance that they share the same dream every night. They are puzzled, incredulous, a bit frightened. As they hesitantly accept this strange coincidence, they try to recreate in broad daylight what happens in their dream. 屠宰場的中年主管安德利 (基沙莫查爾 飾) 被孤僻拘謹的新任品質鑑定師瑪麗亞 (愛麗珊德拉波比莉 飾) 吸引,她有社交障礙、強迫症,非常頑固偏執 ,但觀察力和記憶力異於常人,不苟言笑的她像冰山般拒人千里。二人機緣巧合下發現原來彼此竟做著相同的夢:在夢裡,她是雌鹿,他是雄鹿,互相依偎,暗暗相隨;在現實,他們心如鹿撞,身體與靈魂卻無法同步。對於夢中的親密關係,他們不能視若無睹,兩個內向孤獨的人嘗試進一步發展;安德利重新思考愛的可能,瑪麗亞則鼓起勇氣走出舒適圈,認識自身心靈。兩個看似不能相愛的人,憑著一個夢去尋找愛……
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